Tuesday, 29 April 2014

A colour splash

Sweaty palmed with a butterfly stomach all ready for a spring date

A splash of colour always makes a girl memorable!

I really love the new hair by spellbound, it comes in rigged and unrigged mesh, the rigged mesh comes with a colour change hair scarf however the rigged version wouldn't fit me unless my head was a stupid size - unsure how other people got around that. I'm obviously wearing the unrigged version and it is lovely but I was sad to miss out on the scarf

Saff/B xx

Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Secretary

So I've gone a bit OTT with the mesh shoes that fit Slink!
I picked up some lovely cheap/free items so I've thrown together a very sexy secretarial look!

Saff/B xx

credits below

Friday, 25 April 2014

On Return

New skin, new shoes, new everything!
So since getting married I fell off the face of blogging, I'm going to try and be back!

I eventually caved and got myself some Slink medium feet. I already own Gos flats and Gos arched but so many shoes are Slink add-ons.
I really like the Slink feet because of the obvious - shoes - however Gos has quite an easy matching system whereas Slink you can mess with the RGB values or buy appliers.
I hate skin tinting so bought the Skinnery appliers which saved time but cost more money which is a bit meh!

Saff/B xx

Credits Below!